R-M organizes the international Best Painter Contest Finals again after two years. The search for the best car painter in the industry is where this competition is all about. The main goal is to promote the profession of the car painters and to put the most talented painters in to the spotlight. Countries from Europe, Africa, Asia and North-America are participating within this contest.
EMM Premium Sponsor R-M
The R-M Best Painter competition is considered as one of the most important events in the automotive refinish industry. EMM with its brand Colad is a proud sponsor and premium business partner since the start of the event in 1999. All finalists from the participating countries are receiving a personalized BodyGuard® Premium Comfort Spray Overal. The paintsuits supports them during the finals in France on the 29th & 30th of june 2022, with a full day of working comfort and protection.
EMM Supports paint professionals and education centers worldwide with PPE innovation
EMM recognizes that the need for young, well-trained talent is growing worldwide. When it comes to automotive refinishing, future spray painters are being prepared for increasingly specialized application processes, more efficient product innovations and more digital solutions. Since 1999, EMM supports the Best Painter Contest as a competition for young up-and-coming spray painters to promote the profession as an attractive career and honor the most talented spray painters.
PPE safety first!
Paint professionals know the importance of personal protection. Besides the fact that regulations oblige the use of the necessary PPE materials, health is your most important asset. Both during and outside working hours.
Colad provides safety equipment with the highest level of comfort for a safe and healthy work experience. We at EMM innovated the paintsuits with the updated Bodyguard, introduced undershirts and Nitrile Gloves. For more information go to www.paintsuits.com or www.colad.co
For more information about the contest, check out www.rmpaint.co
Do You want to be supported?
Are you working at a painter educational center or a student and want to be supported by Colad – contact us at marketing@emm.com.